The clouds have returned to the Sino-Indian sky, making the horizon even grayer for the relations between the Elephant and the Dragon. On November 24,…
Posts published in “Articles”
This article was written in collaboration with Dean Karalekas. Dean is the Associate Editor of Strategic Vision for Taiwan Security, published by the Taiwan Center…
One of the most critical questions for Iran today is the nature of its relations with Japan and China. Both Asian countries have been recently…
Labels are important identifiers that assure that the recipient gets what has been asked or paid for. After all, if the label on the jar…
Latin America used to be considered the ‘backyard’ of the United States, for almost two centuries. This was a result of the Monroe Doctrine, a…
This article is a summary of the policy paper “Brazil, South Korea, and Global Value Chains: a Tale of Two Countries” by Otaviano Canuto, published…
Xi Jinping, the enigma, or as I suggest in this analysis, Emperor of China’s destiny, is the reason for this paper. To explain why I…
Since the late 1980’s, Japan has largely depended on overseas production. Over the decades, this has resulted in over 50% of Japanese manufacturing existing overseas,…
The rise of China resulted in Latin America strengthening ties with the Asian giant, as a result of the complementarity in both foreign and economic…