This report was originally published by Japan’s Institute for International Strategy and Information Analysis – IISIA. Thank you to the author and the publishers for…
Asia Power Watch
If the stock market is the mood of the world at any given moment, as one job applicant in the Netflix show Billions insightfully claimed,…
This article summarizes the author’s latest book “America’s Two Cold Wars. From Hegemony To Decline?“, published in March 2022, by Palgrave Macmillan. Allow me to…
A l’invitation du IEGA – Institut d’Etudes de Géopolitique Appliquée, le Fondateur et Editeur-en-chef de Asia Power Watch, Nicolas Michelon, a été interviewé par Inès…
This article is a summary of the book “La guerre des puissants. Stratagèmes de domination de la Chine et des Etats-Unis“, co-authored by Catherine DELAHAYE,…
As the world economy undergoes tremendous upheaval and transition, trade has reached a critical inflection point. The new emerging paradigm emerging is a shift from…
Le 9 février 2022, à l’invitation de l’Institut Thomas More, le fondateur et Editeur-en-chef de Asia Power Watch, Nicolas Michelon, a débattu des aspects économiques…
This article was written in collaboration with Bipasha Bhardwaj. Bipasha is the co-founder and COO of Intelligentsia Risk Advisors, a strategy consulting firm that aims…
With much of the world’s attention being focussed on the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, not much is being said about…