Health diplomacy

Taiwan fights for its diplomatic survival in Latin America

This article was originally published in Spanish on ReporteAsia, and translated for The Diplomat. Thank you to the authors and…

3 years ago

Quelle politique chinoise pour la France ?

Le 9 février 2022, à l'invitation de l'Institut Thomas More, le fondateur et Editeur-en-chef de Asia Power Watch, Nicolas Michelon,…

3 years ago

Indo-Pacific economic influence in Latin America: partnerships, narratives and strategic scenarios

On September 23, 2021, an online conference was held on "Indo-Pacific Economic Influence in Latin America: Partnerships, Narratives and Strategic…

4 years ago

The death of multilateralism. Disruptions of the Trump era

On May 14, 2021, Asia Power Watch Founder & Chief Editor Nicolas Michelon discussed with Dr. John Bruni of SAGE…

4 years ago

Influence and narrative in the Sino-Russian strategic alliance: legitimacy and new political order

This article was originally published in Spanish by GIASP Intelligence & Strategy, on April 3, 2021. Thank you to GIASP…

4 years ago

India and Latin America: moving from transactional to permanent healthcare partners

This article was originally published in Georgetown University's Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, on March 18, 2021. Thank you to…

4 years ago

The governmentality of Taiwan’s anti-epidemic politics

This article was first published as a Policy Brief by the University of Central Lancashire's Northern England Policy Center for…

4 years ago

Hegemonic transition. A secured world amid the vaccine revolution, digital transformation and economic competition.

On March 5, 2021, Asia Power Watch Founder & Editor Nicolas Michelon and Contributor Miljan Radunovic were invited by Dr…

4 years ago

Why China’s soft power erodes in an outspoken age

Lunar New Year celebrations, typically in February, are a chance to promote Chinese culture abroad. But this year’s festive updates…

4 years ago

European Union strategy towards China. End of year update…

On November 10, 2020, at the invitation of Prof. Sarwar Kashmeri of Norwich University and Foreign Policy Association, Asia Power…

4 years ago