More of Trump’s “Art of the Deal” on display in Osaka

Osaka's G20 summit was the setting of yet another display of Trump's two-steps-backward-one-step-forward "Art of the Deal" tactics... After branding…

6 years ago

Great Power Politics: why China cannot rise peacefully

Been re-listening to a 2012 conference by Prof. John Mearsheimer, of University of Chicago, on why China cannot rise peacefully.…

6 years ago

The contradictions of Trump’s decoupling strategy

"There is an inherent and fundamental contradiction in the Trump administration’s China policy. On one hand, decoupling U.S. and Chinese…

6 years ago

Trump to slap 5% tariffs on all Mexican goods

And how exactly is Latin America supposed to be willing to remain a vassal of the US empire, with China…

6 years ago

Panama’s Cortizo warns US to care about Central America

With the election of Laurentino Cortizo, did Beijing lose its man in Panama? Not necessarily. While President-elect Cortizo may be…

6 years ago

Chine / Etats-Unis: quelles guerres économiques ?

Conférence organisée le 13 novembre 2018 à l'Ecole de Guerre Economique, Paris A l’occasion de la publication de leur livre…

6 years ago