
The War of the Powerful: Chinese and American ploys for world leadership

This article is a summary of the book "La guerre des puissants. Stratagèmes de domination de la Chine et des…

3 years ago

Framing Japan’s economic security agenda

This article was originally published by the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. Thank you to the author…

3 years ago

The India-Australia trade relationship: an attempt to counter China?

India and Australia signed a bilateral association in 2009, and it has been almost a year since their relationship was…

4 years ago

China’s economic influence in Afghanistan in a Belt & Road context

As the historic intra-Afghan negotiations continue and the withdrawal of US troops is now in sight, there are plausible concerns…

4 years ago

The Epic Split. Why ‘Made in China’ is going out of style

New book explains why decoupling is happening, and how companies can find opportunities in the trade war Some people still…

4 years ago

WeChat, Zoom, TikTok and the future of Chinese technology culture

In 2003, when I first travelled to Tokyo from my newly furnished home in Shanghai, Japan was a technologically isolated…

4 years ago

India-Japan commercial ties

This article was originally published on The Kootneeti, on August 19, 2020. Thank you to The Kootneeti for their kind…

5 years ago

Rakuten shuns Huawei, chooses Nokia instead

Rakuten CEO Mickey Mikitani says he "cannot take 1% risk" on Huawei Technologies or ZTE Corporation... Goes for Nokia instead.…

6 years ago