Soft power

Inside the UAE’s business-first soft power diplomatic drive

In a Deep Dive article into the UAE's Smart Power strategy, I shared views with Tala Michel Issa for Arabian…

9 months ago

Unrestricted Warfare, The Siege of Jadotville, and the Turkish Story of Progress

In Episode #3 of the "Geopolitical Musings with Confluence" podcast, Confluence Consultants Partner & Asia Power Watch Editor Nicolas Michelon…

1 year ago

Strategic constraints and right-wing organizations in Japan: the case of the Nippon Kaigi

In recent years, an obscure nationalist organization has regularly hit the news in Japan. Known as Nippon Kaigi or “Japan…

2 years ago

Japan and globalization: how strategic imperatives drive political change

CURRENT STATE OF JAPANESE SECURITY AFFAIRS The need to balance China’s emergence as a global political and military player has…

2 years ago

The War of the Powerful: Chinese and American ploys for world leadership

This article is a summary of the book "La guerre des puissants. Stratagèmes de domination de la Chine et des…

3 years ago

Plurilateralism & economic security: the future of the world economy

On August 10, 2021, the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) Graduate School's Security Governance and Diplomacy Cluster (SGDC) conducted…

4 years ago

Is military conflict over Taiwan inevitable or is China masking its true economic agenda?

With much focus on the developments in the increasingly strategic geo-political Indo-Pacific region, current analysis in the West has shifted…

4 years ago

The death of multilateralism. Disruptions of the Trump era

On May 14, 2021, Asia Power Watch Founder & Chief Editor Nicolas Michelon discussed with Dr. John Bruni of SAGE…

4 years ago

Foreign Development Assistance by China, India and Russia: a compared analysis

In this paper, we study the concessional and non-concessional financial flows to developing countries provided by China, India and Russia…

4 years ago

Influence and narrative in the Sino-Russian strategic alliance: legitimacy and new political order

This article was originally published in Spanish by GIASP Intelligence & Strategy, on April 3, 2021. Thank you to GIASP…

4 years ago