China’s Logink platform as an economic weapon?

In 2007, China began implementing the strategy encapsulating the new world reality that “data is the new oil“. Through the…

8 months ago

The challenge of the « 4Bs »: how to navigate a fractured geopolitical world

As the global landscape enters a “world between orders” and superpower rivalries multiply, businesses will have to navigate an increasingly…

1 year ago

The EU strategic autonomy plan: an opportunity for Indonesia’s non-alignment policy

The European Union seems to be waking up from a 30-year geopolitical slumber with the combined Ukrainian and Covid-19 crises.…

2 years ago

L’intégration de la Chine et de Taïwan au CPTPP: nouveaux rapports de puissance en Asie-Pacifique ?

A l'invitation du IEGA - Institut d'Etudes de Géopolitique Appliquée, le Fondateur et Editeur-en-chef de Asia Power Watch, Nicolas Michelon,…

3 years ago

Plurilateralism & economic security: the future of the world economy

On August 10, 2021, the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) Graduate School's Security Governance and Diplomacy Cluster (SGDC) conducted…

3 years ago

The India-Australia trade relationship: an attempt to counter China?

India and Australia signed a bilateral association in 2009, and it has been almost a year since their relationship was…

4 years ago

L’Asie d’après…

Le 19 février 2021, le Comité Asie de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale (IHEDN-Jeunes) a interviewé Nicolas Michelon,…

4 years ago

The death of multilateralism. Disruptions of the Trump era

On May 14, 2021, Asia Power Watch Founder & Chief Editor Nicolas Michelon discussed with Dr. John Bruni of SAGE…

4 years ago

Plurilateralism as a weapon of economic hegemony in the Asia-Pacific. The case of RCEP

On March 17, 2021, Asia Power Watch founder & editor Nicolas Michelon was invited by Brazil's Escola Superior de Propaganda…

4 years ago

Hegemonic transition. A secured world amid the vaccine revolution, digital transformation and economic competition.

On March 5, 2021, Asia Power Watch Founder & Editor Nicolas Michelon and Contributor Miljan Radunovic were invited by Dr…

4 years ago