Latin America

La Chine trouble-t-elle le sommeil du monde ?

Nicolas Michelon, Fondateur et Editeur en chef de Asia Power Watch, était l'invité vendredi 13 juin à 19h du Club…

5 years ago

China’s “health diplomacy” in Latin America: facts, figures and strategic dilemmas

As the Covid-19 pandemic has affected more than 200 countries and territories, infecting over 7 million people and killing more…

5 years ago

The future of Latin America – China relations. An interview with Dr. Alicia Garcia-Herrero

In the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, China has worked hard to emerge as the major aid-provider to the World rather than…

5 years ago

Embraer-COMAC : the dream marriage that couldn’t be…

The brutal ending of talks between Boeing and Embraer, over the acquisition by the former of the latter’s Commercial Aviation…

5 years ago

The Sino-Venezuelan Model: cooperation, dependence and the rise of new triangular relations with the US

Since the beginning of the new century, China has become one of the most important powers in the world, promoting…

5 years ago

China-Brazil relations under Bolsonaro: from sour to sweet, by necessity…

One year ago, the victory of Jair Bolsonaro in the presidential election opened a big question in relation to the…

5 years ago

Russia as an influence proxy for China ?

Just as North Korea has long played the role of China's nuclear deterrent proxy and Beijing has been capitalizing on…

5 years ago

China’s inroads into Latin America have Japan take notice

China’s growing presence in Latin America and the Carribean (LAC) is having other Asia-Pacific economic powers take notice and, amongst…

6 years ago

Quelles dynamiques pour les Nouvelles Routes de la Soie ?

Table-ronde organisée le 18 juin 2019 à l'Ecole de Guerre Economique, Paris Echanges très stimulants hier soir à l'Ecole de…

6 years ago

Trump to slap 5% tariffs on all Mexican goods

And how exactly is Latin America supposed to be willing to remain a vassal of the US empire, with China…

6 years ago