International Organizations

The resurgence of the phoenix: Covid-19 and the fate of multilateralism

At the time of writing, the author is confined to her home as a consequence of the state of emergency…

5 years ago

Manufacturing the enemy. From trade war to the pandemic spat, the impossible cohabitation of China and the US

Throughout their history, the United States have built their identity as a great power around the figure of their external…

5 years ago

Singapore reaffirms its role as a global affairs fixer

Singapore has just strengthened its global position as an international affairs and trade intermediary, proxy and fixer. With the signing…

6 years ago

More of Trump’s “Art of the Deal” on display in Osaka

Osaka's G20 summit was the setting of yet another display of Trump's two-steps-backward-one-step-forward "Art of the Deal" tactics... After branding…

6 years ago