Lessons from Vietnam’s Covid-19 experience, from the sanitary to the geopolitical fronts

Although it is still too early to draw any final conclusion on how Vietnam has fared in tackling the Covid-19…

5 years ago

Embraer-COMAC : the dream marriage that couldn’t be…

The brutal ending of talks between Boeing and Embraer, over the acquisition by the former of the latter’s Commercial Aviation…

5 years ago

How Covid-19 could reshape the Italy-China relationship

In March 2019, when Italy became the first G7 country to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to join China’s…

5 years ago

China’s inroads into Latin America have Japan take notice

China’s growing presence in Latin America and the Carribean (LAC) is having other Asia-Pacific economic powers take notice and, amongst…

6 years ago

The European response to China’s attempts at purchasing strategic assets

Presentation given to the Japan Society of Competitive Intelligence (JSCI), on January 19, 2019 at the Japan University of Economics,…

6 years ago

Chinese investments in France: a broad sectoral deployment guided by highly diversified strategies

This article is a translation of the original article "Les investissements chinois en France: un large déploiement sectoriel guidé par…

7 years ago

Les investissements chinois en France: un large déploiement sectoriel guidé par des stratégies très diversifiées

Article paru dans la revue Chambre & Sénat, numéro spécial Chine, 2ème trimestre 2018 S’ils ne représentent encore qu’une part…

7 years ago