Economic warfare

Japan’s experience in reducing its supply chain insecurity

Since the late 1980’s, Japan has largely depended on overseas production. Over the decades, this has resulted in over 50%…

4 years ago

Belt & Road MoUs in Europe: are signatory States weakening EU’s trade and investment position?

China is no longer a developing country. In a matter of decades, the Asian giant has gone from constituting the…

4 years ago

WeChat, Zoom, TikTok and the future of Chinese technology culture

In 2003, when I first travelled to Tokyo from my newly furnished home in Shanghai, Japan was a technologically isolated…

4 years ago

Mercantilism in the 21st century: an introspection

This article was originally published on Econfinity, on September 17, 2020. Thank you to the authors, Manjari Balu, assisted by…

4 years ago

China-Europe relations in the new cold war: challenges, frustrations and missed opportunities

Asia Power Watch founder & editor Nicolas Michelon was invited on September 18, 2020 by Peru's Universidad Nacional Mayor de…

4 years ago

The South China Sea dispute and its challenges to Japan’s economic interests

The South China Sea (SCS) is among the most hotly disputed regions of the globe, involving both island and maritime…

5 years ago

Taiwan: the One-China final frontier

China’s tactical nous in using deflection and obfuscation to divert attention is well known. China observers need to constantly review…

5 years ago

India-Japan commercial ties

This article was originally published on The Kootneeti, on August 19, 2020. Thank you to The Kootneeti for their kind…

5 years ago

The Middle Kingdom versus the Exceptional Nation

My recently published book China versus the US: Who Will Prevail? (New Jersey, World Scientific, 2020), aims at answering two…

5 years ago

The « Men in Black » of Japan’s public foreign investment

Synchronicity always connects people, wherever they are and whatever they are doing. As for me, it gave me the opportunity…

5 years ago