China Standards 2035

Framing Japan’s economic security agenda

This article was originally published by the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. Thank you to the author…

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Global smart supply chain integration: is a trap being laid with the Logink platform?

With the increasing development of smart supply chains and logistics and the desire to take these to a global standard,…

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What does digital integration mean for trade, logistics and supply chains with China?

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From the Asia-Pacific to the Indo-Pacific: what is the economic significance for China?

Labels are important identifiers that assure that the recipient gets what has been asked or paid for. After all, if…

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China’s ascension through a narrative lens

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WeChat, Zoom, TikTok and the future of Chinese technology culture

In 2003, when I first travelled to Tokyo from my newly furnished home in Shanghai, Japan was a technologically isolated…

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La Chine trouble-t-elle le sommeil du monde ?

Nicolas Michelon, Fondateur et Editeur en chef de Asia Power Watch, était l'invité vendredi 13 juin à 19h du Club…

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