This article was originally published by the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. Thank you to the author…
With the increasing development of smart supply chains and logistics and the desire to take these to a global standard,…
This article is a summary of a chapter that this author contributed in the recently-published "The Digital Transformation of Logistics:…
Labels are important identifiers that assure that the recipient gets what has been asked or paid for. After all, if…
Xi Jinping, the enigma, or as I suggest in this analysis, Emperor of China’s destiny, is the reason for this…
In 2003, when I first travelled to Tokyo from my newly furnished home in Shanghai, Japan was a technologically isolated…
Nicolas Michelon, Fondateur et Editeur en chef de Asia Power Watch, était l'invité vendredi 13 juin à 19h du Club…