China Merchants

Global smart supply chain integration: is a trap being laid with the Logink platform?

With the increasing development of smart supply chains and logistics and the desire to take these to a global standard,…

3 years ago

The “debt trap” issue of Chinese investments – explained

This article was originally published on Silk Road Explained, on January 28, 2021. Thank you to the author for his…

4 years ago

Chinese investments in France: a broad sectoral deployment guided by highly diversified strategies

This article is a translation of the original article "Les investissements chinois en France: un large déploiement sectoriel guidé par…

7 years ago

Les investissements chinois en France: un large déploiement sectoriel guidé par des stratégies très diversifiées

Article paru dans la revue Chambre & Sénat, numéro spécial Chine, 2ème trimestre 2018 S’ils ne représentent encore qu’une part…

7 years ago