
A tale of two technology wars: semiconductors and clean energy

This article was originally published by the Policy Center for the New South, on November 2nd, 2023. Thank you to…

1 year ago

The Dollar-Renminbi tango: the impacts of Argentina’s potential dollarization on its relations with China

Versions of this article were originally published on October 13, 2023 by the Policy Center for the New South and…

1 year ago

Japan’s race for space exploration: challenges and opportunities

State of play of Japan’s space program in the New Space Economy era   Although the next generation H3 rocket launch…

1 year ago

Beyond petropolitics: the Philippines – Saudi Arabia strategic relations

This article was written in collaboration with José Mikhail PEREZ. José is an assistant professor of political science at the…

1 year ago

Japan’s changing strategic approach to outer space security

Space race in an age of international competition   China’s first successful use of an anti-satellite weapon (ASAT) to destroy one…

1 year ago

The challenge of the « 4Bs »: how to navigate a fractured geopolitical world

As the global landscape enters a “world between orders” and superpower rivalries multiply, businesses will have to navigate an increasingly…

2 years ago

Japan’s evolving cybersecurity landscape: a latecomer at a crossroads

Japan is a late comer when it comes to cybersecurity. Until recently, decisionmakers in Tokyo hardly considered the fifth domain…

2 years ago

What foreign firms can and cannot do to prepare for China’s foreign-spy law

This article was originally published on July 4, 2023 on Thank you to the author for the kind authorization…

2 years ago

Strategic constraints and right-wing organizations in Japan: the case of the Nippon Kaigi

In recent years, an obscure nationalist organization has regularly hit the news in Japan. Known as Nippon Kaigi or “Japan…

2 years ago

Japan and globalization: how strategic imperatives drive political change. The case of the Meiji era.

The second article of the series on the subject of “how strategic imperatives drive political changes in Japan” is about…

2 years ago