One year ago, the victory of Jair Bolsonaro in the presidential election opened a big question in relation to the…
China’s Grand Strategy: Weaving a New Silk Road to Global Primacy is the latest book by Sarwar A. Kashmeri, Adjuct…
A few weeks ago, Donald Trump made the news by expressing an interest in buying Greenland, trying to open a…
Singapore has just strengthened its global position as an international affairs and trade intermediary, proxy and fixer. With the signing…
China’s growing presence in Latin America and the Carribean (LAC) is having other Asia-Pacific economic powers take notice and, amongst…
This article is a translation of the original article "Les investissements chinois en France: un large déploiement sectoriel guidé par…
Article paru dans la revue Chambre & Sénat, numéro spécial Chine, 2ème trimestre 2018 S’ils ne représentent encore qu’une part…
This article is a translation of the original article "L’ONG Sea Shepherd perd une bataille de l’information contre l’industrie de…
Article paru le 5 décembre 2017 sur le site Fondée en 1977 par le canadien Paul Watson, l’ONG Sea…