
Embraer-COMAC : the dream marriage that couldn’t be…

The brutal ending of talks between Boeing and Embraer, over the acquisition by the former of the latter’s Commercial Aviation…

5 years ago

Will the real China please stand up ?

With the global health and economic damage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the dis-information campaign has picked up steam. A…

5 years ago

How Covid-19 could reshape the Italy-China relationship

In March 2019, when Italy became the first G7 country to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to join China’s…

5 years ago

Business lessons from China’s Covid-19 transparency policy

Predictably dramatic reactions followed Beijing’s late-March announcement of yet another modification of China’s Covid-19 case statistics. Some remained objective: Time…

5 years ago

The resurgence of the phoenix: Covid-19 and the fate of multilateralism

At the time of writing, the author is confined to her home as a consequence of the state of emergency…

5 years ago

Of Chinese doctors and faulty gear: how China could lose the health diplomacy battle

China to the rescue Much has been said and written about China coming to the rescue of the rest of…

5 years ago

Manufacturing the enemy. From trade war to the pandemic spat, the impossible cohabitation of China and the US

Throughout their history, the United States have built their identity as a great power around the figure of their external…

5 years ago

The Sino-Venezuelan Model: cooperation, dependence and the rise of new triangular relations with the US

Since the beginning of the new century, China has become one of the most important powers in the world, promoting…

5 years ago

The Carlos Ghosn case – a look into the economic warfare behind the legal case

Translation of an interview given to the Algerian Center for Economic Diplomacy (CADE), on January 10, 2020 CADE - The…

5 years ago

Affaire Carlos Ghosn: décryptage du rapport de force Renault-Nissan

Interview donnée au Centre Algérien de Diplomatie Economique (CADE), le 10 janvier 2020. Merci à M. Anis KHELLAF. CADE -…

5 years ago