Alexandre is currently working for a consultancy company in Rome. An international relations graduate from University La Sapienza in Rome, Alexandre took a postgraduate MBA in economic intelligence from the Paris School of Economic Warfare (École de Guerre Économique) in 2022. He has previously completed a postgraduate course in Homeland Security from the Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI) and a master’s degree in Geopolitics and International Security from La Sapienza. Alexandre is the co-author of a book on water geopolitics titled “Potere blu: Geopolitica dell’acqua nel Mediterraneo”.
Correct interpretation of signals and intentions is paramount in state covert operations. The inability of an actor to correctly interpret…
State of play of Japan’s space program in the New Space Economy era Although the next generation H3 rocket launch…
Space race in an age of international competition China’s first successful use of an anti-satellite weapon (ASAT) to destroy one…
Japan is a late comer when it comes to cybersecurity. Until recently, decisionmakers in Tokyo hardly considered the fifth domain…
In recent years, an obscure nationalist organization has regularly hit the news in Japan. Known as Nippon Kaigi or “Japan…
The second article of the series on the subject of “how strategic imperatives drive political changes in Japan” is about…
CURRENT STATE OF JAPANESE SECURITY AFFAIRS The need to balance China’s emergence as a global political and military player has…
This article was originally published in French by le Portail de l'IE, in May 2022. Thank you to the author…