Nicolas Michelon

A tale of two cities…

As Hong Kong was holding its breath hoping that Sunday’s 1.7 million-strong demonstration would not turn violent again (and thankfully…

6 years ago

China wages information warfare at Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters

As US and British flags (some from colonial times) were seen many times in the demonstrations, and with secretary-general of…

6 years ago

Singapore reaffirms its role as a global affairs fixer

Singapore has just strengthened its global position as an international affairs and trade intermediary, proxy and fixer. With the signing…

6 years ago

China’s inroads into Latin America have Japan take notice

China’s growing presence in Latin America and the Carribean (LAC) is having other Asia-Pacific economic powers take notice and, amongst…

6 years ago

Singapore to cash in on Hong Kong protests without breaking a sweat…

The eggs thrown by anti-Extradition Bill protesters at the Hong Kong Police Headquarters were not even dry yet that a…

6 years ago

Japan hits back at Korea over WW2 forced labour row

Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry (METI) has announced export restrictions on three chip-making components to South Korea, as…

6 years ago

1997-2019: a different kind of anniversary…

The 22nd anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China was again marked by the usual pro-democracy protests, but this year…

6 years ago

More of Trump’s “Art of the Deal” on display in Osaka

Osaka's G20 summit was the setting of yet another display of Trump's two-steps-backward-one-step-forward "Art of the Deal" tactics... After branding…

6 years ago

China re-organizes its overseas “magic weapon”

From soft to sharp power... 80 years after Mao's original formulation, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China's…

6 years ago

Affaire Carlos Ghosn: quel rôle des états dans le conflit industriel ?

Conférence donnée devant les membres du think tank Ambassadeurs de la Jeunesse, le 22 juin 2019 à Paris VisuelsDownload Picture…

6 years ago