As the global landscape enters a “world between orders” and superpower rivalries multiply, businesses will have to navigate an increasingly…
Japan is a late comer when it comes to cybersecurity. Until recently, decisionmakers in Tokyo hardly considered the fifth domain…
This article was originally published on July 4, 2023 on Thank you to the author for the kind authorization…
One cannot think of a better cautionary tale for East-West leadership than the spectacular rise and public fall of Carlos…
In recent years, an obscure nationalist organization has regularly hit the news in Japan. Known as Nippon Kaigi or “Japan…
The second article of the series on the subject of “how strategic imperatives drive political changes in Japan” is about…
CURRENT STATE OF JAPANESE SECURITY AFFAIRS The need to balance China’s emergence as a global political and military player has…
Demonstrating a terrorist financing typology, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) documented a case study involving an alternative remittance system…
The European Union seems to be waking up from a 30-year geopolitical slumber with the combined Ukrainian and Covid-19 crises.…
There has been a lot of media coverage around the recent escalation of high-level negotiations underway between China and Vietnam.…