Russia as an influence proxy for China ?

5 years ago

Just as North Korea has long played the role of China's nuclear deterrent proxy and Beijing has been capitalizing on…

Affaire Carlos Ghosn: un cas d’école de guerre économique

5 years ago

Présentation donnée à l'Institut Libre d'Etude des Relations Internationales (ILERI), le 15 octobre 2019 à Paris VisuelsDownload

China’s Grand Strategy. An interview with Prof. Sarwar A. Kashmeri

5 years ago

China’s Grand Strategy: Weaving a New Silk Road to Global Primacy is the latest book by Sarwar A. Kashmeri, Adjuct…

China showcases its own brand of authoritarian capitalism

5 years ago

Shortly before entering the Golden Week celebrations of the PRC’s 70th anniversary, Chinese provincial authorities flexed their muscle by dispatching…

China’s Arctic strategy has the US jittery

5 years ago

A few weeks ago, Donald Trump made the news by expressing an interest in buying Greenland, trying to open a…

A tale of two cities…

6 years ago

As Hong Kong was holding its breath hoping that Sunday’s 1.7 million-strong demonstration would not turn violent again (and thankfully…

China wages information warfare at Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters

6 years ago

As US and British flags (some from colonial times) were seen many times in the demonstrations, and with secretary-general of…

Singapore reaffirms its role as a global affairs fixer

6 years ago

Singapore has just strengthened its global position as an international affairs and trade intermediary, proxy and fixer. With the signing…

China’s inroads into Latin America have Japan take notice

6 years ago

China’s growing presence in Latin America and the Carribean (LAC) is having other Asia-Pacific economic powers take notice and, amongst…

Singapore to cash in on Hong Kong protests without breaking a sweat…

6 years ago

The eggs thrown by anti-Extradition Bill protesters at the Hong Kong Police Headquarters were not even dry yet that a…